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Jill Phillips - Writing on the Wall (CD) 요약정보 및 구매

가수/저자 Jill Phillips
출시일 20040127
유통사 인피니스
판매가 18,500원
할인가 5,000원 (73% 할인)
포인트 50점

상품의 재고가 부족하여 구매할 수 없습니다.


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상품 정보

상품 기본설명


1. Wrecking Ball (Gullaborn) - 4:18 2. Leave It Up to You (Gullaborn/Phillips) - 3:32 3. Even Still (Gullaborn/Phillips) - 3:00 4. Grace and Peace (Gullaborn/Phillips) - 3:31 5. Still Is My Soul (Gullaborn) - 4:18 6. Interlude - 1:00 7. Wisdom (Phillips) - 2:52 8. The Way of the Fire (Gullaborn/Phillips) - 4:36 9. Hanging On (Phillips) - 3:27 10. God Believes in You (Pettis) - 2:35 11. Sacred (Phillips) - 4:55 12. Grand Design (Gullaborn/Phillips) - 4:12

상품 상세설명


Following the release of her album God and Money, readers of CCM Magazine choose singer/songwriter Jill Phillips as Best Independent Artist of 2002. A year later in August 2003, Phillips released Writing on the Wall, making her mark as the first female artist signed to Fervent Records. The album remains true to the pop-folk style listeners of Phillips' 1999 self-titled release and God and Money have grown to expect from her. It is a style similar to that of Bebo Norman, only less melancholy in nature. A former student of commercial voice performance, Phillips has a soothing voice, comparable to that of Twila Paris and Sara Groves. The acoustic-based instrumentation and arrangements of the album serve to support her vocals as well as the lyrical content of the project. Lyrically, the songs communicate messages of spiritual growth and ultimately God's faithfulness. Written before the death of her father, Phillips found the songs to be of comfort to her after his passing. For example, "Even Still" deals with death's lack of power in a Christian's life, while "Still Is My Soul" speaks of learning to be content in all circumstances. Of the 12 songs, the only track that doesn't seem to fit is "God Believes in You," penned by Pierce Pettis. While it does strive to offer encouragement to listeners, which fits the album's overall theme, it seems to shift the focus from God to the listener. Writing on the Wall is a good third chapter in the musical releases of Jill Phillips. It is a strong project with songs listeners will find themselves singing as they go about their days.



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  1. 구매 금액 3만원 초과 무료배송, 3만원 이하는 배송비 2,900원이 부과됩니다.
  2. 배송기간은 택배 발송 후 보통 2-3일(영업일 기준)정도 소요되며, 산간벽지나 도서지방은 별도의 추가 금액을 지불하셔야 됩니다. 단, 상품의 종류와 배송지, 택배사 사정에 따라 배송 시간은 다소 지연될 수 있습니다.
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  4. 묶음배송은 수취인명, 배송지, 주문시간 동일 시 자동 묶음 배송됩니다.
  5. 출고 후 주문/베송 조회를 통해 송장번호를 확인하시면 배송 상태를 확인하실 수 있습니다. (CJ 대한통운 1588-1255)


  1. 제품 수령 후 7일 이내 교환, 반품 가능합니다.
  2. 상품불량 및 오배송 등의 이유로 반품, 교환하실 경우 반품 배송비는 무료입니다.
  3. 단순 변심 및 고객님의 사정으로 반품, 교환하실 경우 반송비(교환이 경우 왕복 배송비)는 고객 부담입니다.


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오늘 본 상품

  • Jill Phillips - Writing on the Wall (CD)
    Jill Phill
    Jill Phill


쇼핑몰 검색



회사명. (주)인피니스 주소. 서울특별시 서대문구 충정로 23 풍산빌딩 12층
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